Victor Gagliardi

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Victor Gagliardi is a certified personal trainer and rehabilitative exercise specialist who learned to “heal” the body from Meir Schneider of The SF School For Self-Healing. Meir was born blind to deaf parents, but can now drive without glasses! “I’ve learned exercises, movement, and breathing techniques that can help release areas of tension in the body that are causing pain or imbalanced movement patterns as well as improve many visual abnormalities.”

Victor has twenty years of experience helping people achieve their goals and overcome many debilitating conditions as well as problems with their vision. He performes all types of personal training, bodywork, natural vision improvement, and rehabilitation so that you can become, and stay, pain free and really live the life that you want to live! He loves to give clients tools, that they had no idea existed, to reach and achieve their goals!

“I truly enjoy getting to help so many people improve their quality of life!” My calling is to get my clients pain free, avoid surgery when possible, and to find enjoyment in movement and exercise. Victor can be reached at email: