Bible and Pop Culture

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Sandi Troup

Sandi is a USAF veteran, and has degrees in meteorology and nursing.  Sandi currently works as an administrator in a regional hospital in rural Missouri.  She spent her early nursing career in research and advocacy - particularly for cancer and terminally-ill patients - and recently returned to this work as producer of a podcast called Everyone Dies.   

She and her family (Dale and son Riley) spent over three years in Meru, Kenya as missionaries, and continue to minister with their Kenyan partners through their organization Great Shepherd Ministries, and have a discipleship ministry called Njia Nyembamba, which means “narrow way” in kiswahili.  

Sandi loves anything outdoors, especially fly fishing and kayaking in the pristine rivers near her hometown.  She gets much of her spiritual insights and inspiration during her forays into nature, and is excited to share them with you!