Karley Fernandez

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Karley Fernandez is a closet abstract lyricist and poet. If there’s no public proof of her work, does that mean it’s not real in the age of displaying personal information online? Maybe one day she will work up the nerve to share her songs and poems at the risk of finger judges typing away thoughts, be they positive or negative, from behind their screens. Maybe not.

She has a B.A. in journalism and creative writing and a M.A. in Global Business Management from the University of Alabama. She loves fitness—including the exercise it takes to play with her two high-energy dogs, Astro and Vader—and her soon-to-be hubby, Daniel. Her hobbies include, but are not limited to, starting passion projects with gusto and then struggling to finish them, cooking around her eleven food allergies, and wrapping presents for any occasion. She believes reading is best when it provides an escape from reality and chooses her personal books accordingly.