Communication, The Neighborhood and White Elephants
LiteratureMeljun PicardalBonnie Schultz, communication, Hills Like White Elephants, Hemmingway, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, emotions, trauma, Fred Rogers, Mrs. Rogers, Lloyd, conflict, Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, angry, expressing emotion, Daniel Tiger, Mr. McFeely, Joann Rogers, Lady Aberlin, Journey Group, Deeper Walk International, Dr. Jim Wilder, Dr. Allan Schore, Life Model Works, Thrive Today, relational, thrive, Michael Sullivant, Chris Coursey, Transforming Fellowship…19 Brain Skills that Build Joyful Community, Ernest Hemingway, iceberg theory, relational revolution, February Issue, issue 3
What is Pop Culture Anyway?
Etc.Meljun PicardalMia Burke, Pop Culture, culture, artifact,, Meaning-making, community, collective experience, Popular artworks, arena for argument, human experience, worldview, ya’ll, aesthetics, philosophy, theology, Andy Crouch, Circles of Culture, William Romanowski, subcultures, Pop Music, Star Wars: A New Hope, “It’s A Wonderful World”, Artifact Assumptions, Fred Rogers, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Robin Woods, The Crown, salt and light, issue 2